
Our Blog
We build this blog for the purpose of "Garage Sale" alike and it is mainly for business purpose. 

Who We Are
Tokmoton is created in year (2013) by the students from Faculty of Business Management, BM1114(B) of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Campus Chendering, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia to fulfill the requirement and assignment on "How does information technology improve a business performance", and "How Competitive Advantages (C.A.) differ us from rival", of subject/course MGT300 - Information Technology in Business. For more info about our crew, please refer to "The Crew" section.

For the most, we want to say greetings to our course lecturer, Sir Syahrul Hezrin bin Mahmud for his constant leading, teaching, encouragement and support to us in making this blog. You surly deserve a big thanks from us for everything. Feel free to visit his blog and website at Blogger | Facebook. Not to be forgotten, web template designer, which always makes an awesome template for free. Visit SoraTemplates for a lot of cool and awesome blog template, "mucha gracias amigo".

The Vector
Tokmoton gained its name coincidentally  by our crew member Muhammad Haziq bin Ismadi, Muhammad Firdaus bin Marzelan and Muhammad Nabil bin Ahmad Thakiyadin and has been agreed by Web Developer, Muhammad Muhaimin bin Ahmadul Zaradi to be used as our blog name. The logo was design by Muhammad A'zamuddin bin Abd Rahim. Below will explain what is the meaning of logo.

  • 1. The T - Stands for our blog name, Tokmoton.
  • 2. The 5 - Stands for 5 people of admin that operate the blog.
  • 3. EST 2013 - Stands for the blog which is established in year 2013.
  • 4. The Tribal of Batik - Stands for the fame and pride of our current place, Kuala Terengganu in producing batik, international and worldwide.

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